Whether you want to enjoy the pleasant appearance of your house, or to sell your house, later on, maintaining your house exterior (click here) painting result can boost the value of your home. Unsurprisingly, the cost of house exterior painting takes up a significant portion of your exterior home renovation cost. The expected range of house exterior painting costs is between $2,000 for smaller houses and $20,000 for large ones. Nevertheless, house exterior painting is an investment you should protect. Saving one to two years from repainting your house exteriors can save you thousands of dollars down the road. To help you extend the lifespan of your house exterior painting, here are several helpful tips:
1. Keep Your Exteriors Clean
Dust, mold, and mildew are not just eyesores; these can damage your paint. Fungi such as mold and mildew can take root on your paint, while the chemicals in dust can eat up your paint. Nevertheless, each of these things needs to be removed regularly. The recommended frequency for cleaning your house exteriors is annual. However, you might consider washing your exteriors more frequently in heavily-polluted areas.
2. Do Wood Repairs
Wood is susceptible to wearing more than concrete and most surfaces. Rain, sleet, and snow can soften wood up, while wide temperature ranges can complete the weathering process. Though most wood siding material can last decades, regularly inspecting for cracked, rotted, and split sidings, and taking appropriate action, can help ensure your house exterior looks pristine and evenly painted.
3. Prevent Moisture From Your House’s Interiors From Seeping Out
Considering moisture originating from house interiors is regularly overlooked. A damp basement and a poorly-ventilated kitchen are sources of moisture that will try to escape through your exterior walls, causing cracks, peels, and bubbling on paint surfaces. Moreover, the moisture that goes through a leaky roof can significantly damage this way. To prevent these from damaging your exterior house painting, you must keep your kitchen (and bathroom) well-ventilated. If at all possible, keep your basement well-ventilated as well. If you can’t ventilate your basement, you may use a dehumidifier to limit the moisture levels there. Most importantly, always keep your roof leak-free.
4. Use only the Highest-Quality Tools and Equipment When Painting.
Specific tools and equipment work best if they are high-quality and not worn. Trying shortcuts and cost control by reusing worn-down or low-quality equipment may cost you more paint and a less-than-ideal finish. Moreover, there are specific tools that work best on particular surfaces.
5. Take Time To Do Surface Preparation
Doing thorough surface preparation helps the paint coat evenly and adequately. Note that each particular surface requires ideal preparation methods. For instance, cleaning concrete surfaces is fine, but you must ensure they are dry before painting them. If you intend to paint over wood surfaces, such as sidings, it helps if you have these adequately sanded before taking paint (or primer if required).
6. Use Only The Appropriate Paints and Finishes for Particular Surface Types:
Even among wood surfaces, there is a broad range of paint that you must choose carefully. Not every wood surface can take a specific type of paint well because of their different porosity, resin, oil content, and other inherent qualities. Moreover, other particular surface types, such as aluminum, concrete, and vinyl, require different paint types. Do the research and check the product label and application instructions to ensure that you use the right paint for the job.
7. Seek Help from Paint Professionals:
Paint professionals know the right paint that suits particular surfaces. Moreover, they use high-quality tools and equipment to ensure the best possible finishes in their work. They can also advise you on tips to help ensure that the result of their work last longer.
House exterior paint requires a significant investment. That is why you must try to save painting cycles. Though you will eventually repaint your house exteriors every five years, following these tips can extend the cycle, saving you thousands of dollars in the long term. Moreover, you can also help preserve your home’s curb appeal and resale value by keeping your house painting exterior looking good.