Lets Talk Business
Hi! I am Florence Fletcher. I am an owner of a small business with a passion for writing. Realizing how challenging or daunting starting and running a business is, I take it upon myself to share what I have learned through decades of experience. Even with all the help and the study I made to prepare for this road, mistakes and lessons do happen. However, these lessons do cost a lot, and it took perseverance, faith, hard work, and open-mindedness to make it all work. That is why I see writing as a way to help small business owners with helpful tips, so they don’t have to go through the same mistakes that I made.
The rationale behind starting this blog post is to do my small part for other owners of small businesses and those who wish to create one, the proper perspective of what running a business is all about. Concepts and helpful services such as local SEO, social media, and content marketing could be alien to many. Don’t worry. I am doing my part to ensure that these ways of leveraging technology will be easier for you. With today’s ever-changing market environment, I hope the insights we share in this blog post will be crucial for your success.