Acupuncture has since become popular since a well-publicized report made by a member of the US press corps who received acupuncture treatment in China in 1971. American interest grew since the New York Times article describing the treatment and its benefits. Today, people across the country have embraced acupuncture treatments and their benefits.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is believed to have originated in China 8,000 years ago. Acupuncture is based on the belief in energy flow that travels through meridians in the body. Meridians are pathways for this energy to flow, where blockages cause various illnesses. By inserting thin needles into acupuncture points, practitioners can relieve these blockages.
Today, acupuncture and its benefits are widely accepted in western medicine. The practice of acupuncture (click here) today is regulated, and even thin needles used in treatments are regulated and restricted by the FDA. Acupuncturists today should be licensed and trained.
8 Benefits of Acupuncture
While many practitioners believe in the traditional concepts of the flow of qi. Many acupuncturists embrace an integrative approach supported by western medicine through studies. For instance, practitioners today view acupuncture as a way to stimulate nerves and enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Nevertheless, the benefits associated with acupuncture are proven by studies to be valid. Here are 8 of the most well-known acupuncture benefits:
1. Acupuncture Provides Relief from Joint and Back Pain
Pain relief is one of the most popular reasons people choose acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture reduces the tension in the back and neck. It also helps alleviate the pain in the joints and reduce swelling in affected areas.
2. Acupuncture Provides Headache Relief
Like its benefits for relieving joint and back pain, sufferers of chronic headaches can also benefit from acupuncture treatments. Studies conducted at the National Institutes of Health have proven the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments in reducing the severity and duration of headaches among sufferers of chronic headaches.
3. Acupuncture Reduces Symptoms of Neurological Disorders
Acupuncture is an alternative medical option to address certain neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have proven the effectiveness of acupuncture in helping improve the motor and language function of sufferers of neurological disorders.
4. Acupuncture Improves The Immune System
Acupuncture helps fight off pathogens that harm the human body. Randomized studies conducted on cold sufferers yielded a significant reduction in the duration of colds among those who underwent acupuncture treatments.
5. Acupuncture Provides Allergy Relief
Another way the body benefits from its improved immune system through acupuncture is by building resistance to seasonal allergies. Acupuncture treatments can complement allergy medicine to reduce symptoms connected to seasonal allergies.
6. Acupuncture Reduces Stress Levels
Acupuncture reduces stress by restoring energy balance and triggering critical nervous responses. Studies have proven how acupuncture rescues stress hormone levels.
7. Acupuncture Enhances Mental Clarity
Brain fog happens when stress impedes an individual from thinking clearly. Aside from treating neurological disorders, acupuncture also helps reduce problems associated with brain fog.
8. Acupuncture Speeds Up The Healing Process After Surgery and Major Medical Treatments
Acupuncture promotes the immune system and helps trigger the body’s natural healing abilities, which are key to achieving a speedier healing process after the body undergoes major medical procedures, such as cancer treatments and surgeries.
Conclusion: Acupuncture is an Effective Remedy for Various Ailments
Studies have supported many health benefits of acupuncture. Moreover, acupuncture is an alternative medicine embraced by western medicine and has been subjected to numerous studies that have proven these benefits. Best of all, acupuncture is a traditional medical procedure that provides numerous benefits to health without relying on chemicals, thereby eliminating the risks from such harmful substances.