One of the unavoidable things car owners encounter throughout owning a car is minor dents. There are thousands of possible scenarios when something does little damage to your vehicle's body. Even if you are very careful with using your car, an errant grocery cart, or a misthrown baseball, are unavoidable minor incidents that your vehicle encounters. However, like many people, you may hesitate to have even those minor dents (click here) repaired. You may be thinking about the cost and the time it will take to remove even the tiniest marks. Fortunately, paintless dent repair provides an excellent alternative to removing minor dents. Paintless dent repair has several advantages over traditional dent repair when dealing with minor dents that don't damage your paintwork significantly. Here are just five of them:
Advantage 1: Paintless Dent Repair Costs Much Less Than Traditional Dent Repair
The average paintless dent repair cost is just over a hundred dollars per dent. The cost depends on the size and quantity of minor dents. However, it will take at least five or six times that amount for traditional dent repair to work on the exact same type of damage. Though standard dent repair still has its place, especially when dealing with sharp dents or substantial dents that affect your vehicle's paint job, paintless dent repair can solve most cases of indentations caused by minor incidents that may happen day.
Advantage 2: Insurance Companies Usually Cover Paintless Dent Repair
Not only is paintless dent repair cheaper, but insurance companies are also usually willing to cover the paintless dent repair cost. If paintless dent repair costs more than $500, it is advisable to work with your auto body repair shop to file an insurance claim. Many auto body repair shops work with insurance companies making this alternative to financing for your minor dent repair work feasible.
Advantage 3: Paintless Dent Repair Work Is Quick
The paintless dent repair work is simple. A paintless dent repair kit and the technician's skills are all it takes to remove minor dents and dings in less than an hour. Smaller dents can even take less time to remove. You don't have to worry about not getting your car back within the day through paintless dent repair.
Advantage 4: Paintless Dent Repair Is Non-Invasive
In traditional dent repair, technicians would need to scrape off or sand-off paint to work on even minor dents. They may need to place filling materials to ensure that they get the perfect shape of your vehicle's panel back like it is brand new. Paintless dent repair involves none of these steps when taking out minor dents and dings. The most technicians do to your vehicle is temporarily remove components of your car to position their tools to apply the forces necessary to bring your vehicle's panel shape back.
Advantage 5: The Quality of Results Are Much Better
Since paintless dent repair doesn't alter any parts of your vehicle to remove dents, you will get back the same quality of your car. Imagine if you intend to sell your vehicle for a much lower cost, you can recover substantial resale value for your vehicle once you get rid of all minor dents before you sell it. Moreover, since the paintless dent repair won't involve repainting, you won't have to worry about discoloration years after the minor dent repair.
Takeaways: For Minor Dents and Door Dings, Choose Paintless Dent Repair
Though paintless dent repair can't cover all dent cases, it is a novel solution to solve most issues of minor dents that don't have paint damage. Considering the number of minor incidents your car encounters daily, the benefits of paintless dent repair will make you forget why you hesitate to have little dent repair work done in the first place. Especially if you want to sell your vehicle, for just a few hundred dollars of paintless dent repair work, you can recover thousands of dollars in resale value if you present a buyer with a car that doesn't have any body damage.