Owning and maintaining a swimming pool is an expensive undertaking. Yet, many swimming pool owners see having their own swimming pool as worthwhile. Having pleasant moments with your family and friends during pool parties in your backyard is priceless. However, there will always be a threat of having a green pool lurking in the corner. A green pool (click here) is caused by an imbalance in the swimming pool environment where algal growth may occur. If the water and pool surfaces are dirty enough, your swimming pool will become a big pond. Here are six helpful tips for swimming pool owners to prevent a green pool from happening.
Regularly Clean Swimming Pool Surfaces
Aside from cleaning your swimming pool surfaces regularly, it would be best if you used the proper tools to clean the walls and the floors thoroughly. Make sure that you don’t leave out the spaces between tiles. By doing so, you can clean off areas where algae spores have latched unto.
Check and Clean Your Filters Regularly
To completely clean your swimming pool, you need to ensure that the rate of water circulation is optimal. Once your filter does not work properly, the water won’t circulate as designed and may create problems later. Remove lint, hair strands, and other materials that may clog your filter. Backwash your filter regularly to ensure both of its sides are clean.
Ensure Proper Water Circulation
Water circulation is what keeps the water in the swimming pool clean. However, if you overlook your filters, pump condition, and skimmers, you might have your water circulating slower than required. Once that happens, the algae population might grow unabated. Check your pumps properly. If these don’t work properly as designed, you need to have these fixed immediately.
Maintain Proper pH Levels
The right chemical balance allows the water to be inhospitable to most microorganisms. However, chlorine alone won’t eliminate algae. Keeping the proper pH levels will, at least, keep the algal population from exploding uncontrollably.
Schedule Annual Maintenance Checks
Even if you live in warm climates, you need to take time off from using your pool to allow for a thorough annual check. It would be best if you had the opportunity and the time to scrub your swimming pool tiles more vigorously while having more thorough checking for all the other swimming pool components such as filters, pumps, skimmers, and skimmer baskets.
Consider Using Algaecide
A green pool is always a threat because there are always trace amounts of algae in a swimming pool, even with the proper chemical balance. As mentioned, chlorine won’t eliminate algae. Using algaecide in appropriate dosages can kill most algae in the swimming pool. However, you may need advice on the timing and dosage of algaecide to ensure that your swimming pool is safe.
Takeaways: Don’t Hesitate to Ask For Help
Practicing these six tips will surely help keep out having a green pool for some time. A swimming pool is a complicated system that needs a fine balance between being usable for humans while being inhospitable to algae and other microorganisms. However, there are instances where environmental changes, or using the pool for months every day, can help bring about the conditions that could lead to a green pool. In this case, you may need assistance from experienced pool technicians to help you with several items to reinforce these helpful tips.